60-second Questions are mini-voyages in self-discovery.  They invite you to take just 60 seconds to ponder a question that may offer new insights into yourself, God and the world around us. Remember, stick with thinking about today’s question and new thoughts it generates for 60 seconds. 

Today’s question is set up by this quote, which is attributed to many sources:

Your 60-second question: which do more naturally gravitate offering your children–roots or wings?

  • If you more naturally gravitate toward offering your children “roots,” what have been the consequences so far, both positive and negative?
  • If you more naturally gravitate toward offering your children “wings,” what have been the consequences so far, both positive and negative?
  • So far, in what ways have you tried to live in the tension between offering roots and wings?
  • If someone asked your child, which of the two might they say they value most from you?  Which do they need most from you?
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