The Black Hole at the Heart of Holy Week

The Black Hole at the Heart of Holy Week

Just as Holy Week began, astronomers gave us an amazing, seemingly impossible gift: a photograph of the invisible, seeing the unseeable! Because no single telescope is powerful enough to distinguish a detail as relatively small as a 55 million-light-year-distant black...
Meek ≠ Weak

Meek ≠ Weak

When I was about 8 years old, sometimes as I walked to school I’d meet a kid about my age who always picked a fight with me.  I have no idea why. He’d threaten me, call me names, even throw rocks at me to get me to come after him.  When I didn’t respond but just kept...
Meet My New Friend Isaac

Meet My New Friend Isaac

Why has coaching become so important to me?  Why did I invest time and money to travel for four weeks meeting leaders in Ethiopia and Zambia? One answer is Isaac, a young man I met my last day in Addis Ababa.  Isaac attended one of two conversations about coaching...
Africa Update:  My Weeks in Zambia

Africa Update: My Weeks in Zambia

As you read this, I’m somewhere over the Atlantic flying home after almost four weeks in Africa. Since leaving Addis Ababa on February 24, I’ve spent the last 18 days at Justo Mwale University (JMU) in Lusaka, Zambia. This is a brief account of my experience.  [Read a...
Africa Trip Update:  My Week in Addis Ababa

Africa Trip Update: My Week in Addis Ababa

Today, I want to share some highlights of my whirlwind week in Addis Ababa from February 18-24.  (Next week I’ll share about my current activities in Lusaka, Zambia.) This was my first time back in Ethiopia since Marilyn and I completed our missionary service at the...
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