How Will You Use Your Bucket of Water?

How Will You Use Your Bucket of Water?

Through the marvel of online streaming, last Saturday my wife and I participated in the  ordination of a dear friend to the Anglican priesthood in Sheffield Cathedral, Sheffield, UK.   The preacher at our friend’s ordination told this story. Imagine you are out...
Blessed are the Peacemakers

Blessed are the Peacemakers

The downtown church I served in California had a bar and nightclub across the alley behind the church building called Bogarts and Lulu’s.  I was invited to attend a party to celebrate the bar’s two-year anniversary. Jill, the manager, took the microphone to speak to...
Mercy, Mercy: We All Need Mercy!

Mercy, Mercy: We All Need Mercy!

“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.”  According to the Bible, how does someone become merciful?  A prostitute came into a house where Jesus was having dinner hosted by a morally upright Pharisee, who was scandalized that Jesus would allow such a...
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