What If 60% of Your Nation is Under 25?

What If 60% of Your Nation is Under 25?

Do you know the median age in the USA?  It’s 38 years.  But what if our population was overwhelmingly teens and young adults? Many nations in the developing world face exactly this challenge!  Huge swaths of idle youth with no skills, no plans, no hope are...
Meet These Inspiring Young Ethiopian Leaders

Meet These Inspiring Young Ethiopian Leaders

This past February, I spent a week in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, sharing in many venues about the transforming power of coaching for Christian leaders.  Several young adults who attended my presentations expressed interest in an ongoing team to learn coaching skills and...
Back to Africa!

Back to Africa!

Writers never want to “bury the headline.”  My headline today is personal good news. I recently stepped out of retirement to become a part-time missionary serving global leaders in Africa. In this article I want to share the WHAT, HOW, WHY, and WHO of my new part-time...
Meet My New Friend Isaac

Meet My New Friend Isaac

Why has coaching become so important to me?  Why did I invest time and money to travel for four weeks meeting leaders in Ethiopia and Zambia? One answer is Isaac, a young man I met my last day in Addis Ababa.  Isaac attended one of two conversations about coaching...
Stuck?  Here’s How to Get Moving Again

Stuck? Here’s How to Get Moving Again

All of us have reached cul-de-sacs or dead ends in our professional or family lives.  We know what we want is “out there,” but we’re boxed in and see no clear path forward. Or we were making progress toward our dreams but are now bogged down or feel like giving up....
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