Lenten  Reflection #1:  God’s Chosen Nation?

Lenten Reflection #1: God’s Chosen Nation?

The stories we repeatedly hear from others, tell each other, and tell ourselves are what really shape our lives. Someone recently told me he had always unquestioningly assumed America is a Christian nation (he’d heard it all his life).  He recently read The Warmth of...
Stars, Science and Modern-Day Magi

Stars, Science and Modern-Day Magi

There are at least 100 billion—maybe as many as 400 billion—stars in our own galaxy called the Milky Way, which is our local zip code in the universe.  But there are also billions of other galaxies—billions of other zip codes just as large as ours.  That means...
Why are Millions of Ethiopians Smiling?

Why are Millions of Ethiopians Smiling?

Something unique in 40 years of preaching happened to me a few weeks ago.  I was the guest preacher at a small congregation, preaching about the Kingdom of God and how it was growing exponentially in Africa, partly because of demonstrations of the Kingdom’s reality...
Africa Update:  My Weeks in Zambia

Africa Update: My Weeks in Zambia

As you read this, I’m somewhere over the Atlantic flying home after almost four weeks in Africa. Since leaving Addis Ababa on February 24, I’ve spent the last 18 days at Justo Mwale University (JMU) in Lusaka, Zambia. This is a brief account of my experience.  [Read a...
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