Stories that Reframe our Lives

Stories that Reframe our Lives

What causes us to change our worldviews in how we see ourselves, others or our lives?  Sometimes it can be stories. In family systems theory the person who acts out—an incorrigible child or an alcoholic father—is called the “identified patient.” Paradoxically, the...
An Earthquake in Global Christianity

An Earthquake in Global Christianity

Think back to1981… do you remember an earthquake that shook the ground beneath your feet?  Probably not. Yet in 1981, for the first time in over 1,000 years the majority of global Christianity lives outside Europe and North America.  The above chart shows this seismic...
The Weeds and Christian Politics

The Weeds and Christian Politics

Does one political party, or even one presidential candidate, speak for God?  The wife of candidate Ted Cruz was widely quoted that her husband was in the race “to show this country the face of the God that we serve.”  Such confidence in any one person’s ability to...
Bowling with Jesus, Part 1

Bowling with Jesus, Part 1

Good theology, like good bowling, means rolling the ball down the center of the lane.  We study theology partly to learn from the gutter balls of history.  My bowling analogy came to me while teaching theology for four years at a Christian graduate school in Ethiopia....
Bethlehem’s Baby

Bethlehem’s Baby

In 2012 while we lived in Ethiopia, our housekeeper’s 19-year-old daughter, Bethlehem, gave birth to a beautiful baby boy named Sofonia. Could Sofonia become as famous as Adnan Nevic?  Adnan, born in Sarajevo, Bosnia in 1999, was chosen by the United Nations as the...
Makers and Takers

Makers and Takers

Our political process in American reveals many divisions between people—both imaginary and real. One that began in the last presidential campaign is the supposed division of American society into “makers” and “takers.” I saw these terms emerge from long distance,...
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