Masters of the Game

Masters of the Game

Recently it was reported in TIME that Donald Trump has received his greatest boost from prosperity gospel preachers. Much has been written about how Trump can receive support from evangelicals, when he is the antithesis of much of what classic evangelicalism values....
An Easter Retrospective: The Lion’s Breath

An Easter Retrospective: The Lion’s Breath

In The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, the resurrection of Aslan (or Jesus) is not the end of the story. Yes, the stone table has cracked and death is working backwards. But the battle against Satan (the White Witch) and evil continues, although now with a...
An Easter Retrospective: The Deeper Magic

An Easter Retrospective: The Deeper Magic

In his book The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, CS Lewis tells the Easter story through the lion Aslan, his figure for Jesus Christ. In the story, Edmund becomes a traitor to his brother and sisters and is liable to the Deep Magic that wrongdoing must be punished....
Holy Week and the Continental Divide, part 2

Holy Week and the Continental Divide, part 2

This week I am considering two contrasting worldviews at the heart of the Christian Holy Week. Depending on which side of the Continental Divide a raindrop falls, it will eventually end up flowing into the Atlantic or Pacific Oceans. Just so, some worldviews make “an...
Holy Week and the Continental Divide, part 2

Holy Week and the Continental Divide, part 1

Many of my blog posts are about how our worldviews influence us. So, as Christians around the world celebrate Holy Week, I will consider two contrasting worldviews at the heart of this week. My image for these competing worldviews is the Continental Divide, the line...
One Cannot Serve God and Tribe

One Cannot Serve God and Tribe

In my last post, I wrote about ethnic or tribal identity as a wholesome “structure of existence” that gives meaning to human life. However, as we increasingly see in this political season, ethnic identity can be co-opted and warped into an evil tribalism. Today I want...
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