Brett McCracken, writing in the evangelical website The Gospel Coalition, clearly describes our situation as America faces the most consequential election in many of our lives

We live in “all or nothing,” “us or them” times. You’re either all with us—toeing the party line on every front—or you’re with them. You’re either trustworthy because you agree with us on everything, or you’re totally untrustworthy and a dangerous threat—even if simply because you dissent from us 5 percent of the time. 

We should all be scared by these extremist times, but Christians especially should be unsettled. Because one of the byproducts of “all in or all out” tribalization in politics is that one’s political identity slowly becomes preeminent, shaping one’s religious identity rather than the other way around.

Soon one’s faith commitments are subordinated beneath, or suspiciously made to square with, one’s political affiliation. And while that may create short-term consonance for your own faith + politics negotiation, it creates long-term dissonance for the broader Christian witness in the world. 

So, I want to ask: is there anything left about which all Christians might agree?  Have we reached the point where political narratives–supercharged and amplified by cable TV and social media–have conquered all, including us?
During this election and the several days of vote counting expected to follow, I want to propose two issues which should unite every American Christian. Each of these issues is so clear, so centered in Scripture, that American Christians of every (and no) political party should sincerely want it to happen. It should be a “no-brainer.”
I’m talking about earnestly praying that this election is SAFE and FAIR.  Let me take each in turn.
Earnestly Pray this Election is SAFE

Everyone must obey state authorities, because no authority exists without God’s permission, and the existing authorities have been put there by God.  (Romans 13:1)
I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. (I Timothy 2:1-2)

Every American should be able to safely and freely cast their vote without intimidation, without fear, without running a gauntlet of partisans supposedly “monitoring” the election.  I never thought I’d live to approach an American election fearful of forces ready to sow disruption, instability and chaos–perhaps to favor their candidate and perhaps just to set Americans against one another. 
For Christians, the Bible states that God gives us governing authorities to justly order society, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives. Christians need to earnestly pray that governing authorities at all levels will carefully oversee and enforce election laws and wisely handle protests to keep our election SAFE:

  • Pray that Governors, Mayors, and law enforcement will discharge their duties honorably, justly and without the hint of political motives.
  • Pray for wisdom and courage for local election boards and poll workers who may need to confront disruption in their polling places so all citizens feel safe to vote.  
  • Pray for workers in every branch of our national security to successfully confront and thwart any attacks on the integrity of our election.

Earnestly Pray that this Election is FAIR

There are six things the Lord hates,
    seven that are detestable to him:
        haughty eyes,
        a lying tongue,
        hands that shed innocent blood,
        a heart that devises wicked schemes,
        feet that are quick to rush into evil,
        a false witness who pours out lies
        and a person who stirs up conflict in the community. (Proverbs 16:16-19)

Many verses from both the Old and New Testaments affirm that God hates all forms of lies, falsehood, and wicked schemes.   
We evangelical Christians talk a lot about discipleship. Well, it doesn’t get any more basic than this: Tell the truth!  Don’t lie!  Every Christian believes (or at least, should believe) that the Bible teaches basic standards of personal and social integrity and righteousness.
White Christians in rural America must pray that every big city Democratic vote is counted; black Christians in big cities must pray that every rural Republican vote is counted.
I cannot think of a more basic application of “love your neighbor at yourself!”  I want my vote to count and be not stolen from me through nefarious political dealing, whether at my local precinct, in a state legislature or even the Supreme Court.  Therefore, I must want your vote to count also.
Praying against “a false witness who pours out lies” and “a heart that devises wicked schemes” might mean many things, but I would hope all Christians might agree with at least these three:  

  • Pray that voting and balloting standards will be followed without partiality or political agenda, and not be used to disenfranchise certain groups of citizens.  
  • Pray that election officials up and down the chain of command, ending with all 50 Secretaries of State and state legislatures, will certify their state’s election fairly without prejudice, and will resist all attempts to bend facts or twist reality to benefit any candidate.
  • Pray that our electoral process at all levels will be fair, open, and transparent.  

My Ethiopian Friends are Praying for Us
As a leadership coach, I have weekly conversations with friends and colleagues in Ethiopia. I refrain I’ve heard the past few weeks is, “We’re praying for you.” 
They are praying for America, not me personally.  I’m guessing that one motivating reason they are praying for America might be that many (like people in other African nations) have personally experienced the trauma of chaotic national elections: partisan violence, shady political tricks to invalidate or steal elections by those in power, even loss of life.  
And so, my dear Ethiopian friends are praying for you, and me, and America. 
Can American Christians offer witness to a watching world that, whatever our party, we also believe in Godly standards of truth, justice, righteousness and basic fairness? We should, and we must. 
We can join hands and earnestly pray that this election will be SAFE and FAIR. 

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